Hi, My name is Harshvardhan

and I am a passionate

I am a Front-End

B.Tech: 2nd year

Age: 19

Residence: India

Email: harshvardhanmaurya73073@gmail.com

Phone: +91 7307332412

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HTML is the standard markup language for Web pages. With HTML you can create your own Website.


CSS is the language we use to style an HTML document. CSS describes how HTML elements should be displayed.


HTML is the standard markup language for Web pages. With HTML you can create your own Website.


Bootstrap is a free and open-source CSS framework directed at responsive, mobile-first front-end web development.


JavaScript is the Programming Language for the Website. JavaScript can update and change both HTML and CSS.

React Js

React Js is the library of JavaScript. React Js can used to develope Front-End part of a Website.

Node Js

Node.js is a JavaScript runtime that allows server-side scripting, offering non-blocking I/O and scalability for web applications.

C Language

C language: A versatile, procedural programming language known for system-level development, high performance, and widespread use in software and hardware.

Java Programming

Java: An object-oriented, versatile programming language known for its portability, used extensively in web and Android app development.

My Portfolio

Plan With Harsh

Html, CSS, React Js

Top Courses

Html, CSS, React Js


Html, CSS, React Js

Random GIF Generator

Html, CSS, React Js

Password Generator

Html, CSS, TailWind, JavaScript

RazorPay Clone

Html, CSS, TailWind


Html, CSS, JavaScript

Personal Portfolio

Html, CSS, JavaScript

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